Tag Samples

You can browse these samples in Tag, and download copies of the files to your computer to experiment with.

Connect samples

AccuWeather get forecast

1 file

Get the current forecast by location (as reported by the get location service).

AccuWeather get location

1 file

Get a location code for an IP address.

Currencylayer USD rates

1 file

Get currency exchange rates for 168 countries.

GeoNames findNearbyPlaceName

1 file

Returns the closest populated place (feature class=P) for the provided latitude/longitude.

GeoNames postalCodeSearch

1 file

Returns a list of postal codes and places for the provided placename/postalcode.

Hawaii Beach Safety Alerts

1 file

The status of current and future alerts (within 28 days) at beaches.

Random quotes

1 file

Multilingual API for random famous quotes.

What is my IP

1 file

Real-time IP Geolocation API.

World Bank Country Data

1 file

Free and open access to global development data.

Automate samples

API - get my IP

2 files

Call web API to get your internet IP address. Pipelines that save the result in text and XML formats are included.

API - use connector

1 file

Call web API using a Tag connector that returns Hawaii beach information in JSON.

Bike customers

1 file

Download customer data from a free online SQL Server database and store as an XML file.

Bike customers - enhanced

3 files

Enhance bike customer data using XSLT instructions to insert sales rep name.

Bike customers - json

1 file

Download customer data from a free online SQL Server database and store as a JSON file.

Bike customers - reduced

1 file

Download customer data from a free online SQL Server database and remove data that is not of interest. The resulting data file is used by other samples.

CSV - full moon

3 files

Converts CSV file into data that can be used in pipelines. Samples for XML and JSON formats are included.

Text - file merge

3 files

Merges multiple text files into a single text file. Currently this uses the Morgana XProc engine.

Text - line count

2 files

Counts the number of lines in a text file and saves the result to an XML file. Currently this uses the Morgana XProc engine.

Scribe samples

Client - member summary

5 files

Displays gym member information using a table, dynamic lists (inline and numbered) and date formatting.

Legal - bill of sale

3 files

Simple purchase agreement (bill of sale) that includes a small set of data fields to build upon.

Psych - ABAS3

6 files

A standardized assessment measure for adaptive skills throughout the lifespan

Psych - ASRS

6 files

A stadardized assessment measure for the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Psych - BASC3-PRSA

7 files

A standardized assessment measure for behavior and mental health

Psych - BASC3-PRSC

7 files

A standardized assessment measure for behavior and mental health

Psych - BASC3-PRSP

7 files

A standardized assessment measure for behavior and mental health

Psych - BASC3-SRPA

7 files

A standardized assessment measure for behavior and mental health

Psych - BASC3-SRPC

7 files

A standardized assessment measure for behavior and mental health

Psych - BASC3-SRPI

7 files

A standardized assessment measure for behavior and mental health

Psych - BASC3-TRSA

7 files

A standardized assessment measure for behavior and mental health

Psych - BASC3-TRSC

7 files

A standardized assessment measure for behavior and mental health

Psych - BASC3-TRSP

7 files

A standardized assessment measure for behavior and mental health

Psych - Behavioral observations

5 files

Behavioral observations made during a psychological assessment

Psych - Brown EF/A

6 files

A standardized measure of executive functioning rated by parents and teachers

Psych - Conners3

6 files

A standardized measure for assessment of ADHD

Psych - CPT3

6 files

A computerized measure of symptoms of ADHD

Psych - CVLT3

6 files

A measure of verbal learning and memory

Psych - RADS2

6 files

A standardized assessment measure of depression in adolescents

Psych - RCFT

6 files

A standardized measure of visual memory

Psych - RCMAS2

6 files

A standardized measure of anxiety in children and adolescents

Psych - Reason for Referral

9 files

The reason for a psychological assessment referral

Psych - Vineland3

6 files

A standardized assessment measure for adaptive skills

Psych - WAIS4

6 files

A standardized measure of intelligence

Psych - WIAT3

6 files

A standardized measure of academic achievement

Psych - WISC5

6 files

A standardized measure of intelligence

Psych - WNV

6 files

A standardized measure of nonverbal intelligence

Psych - WPPSI4

6 files

A standardized measure of intelligence for younger children